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Why Should You Care?

Hope Women's Center

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

In a world surrounded by extreme physical needs, technology allows us to see live footage of deplorable living conditions and lives lost due to natural disasters, and many face compassion fatigue because of this. The needs seem to always outweigh the resources – we get it.

For 30+years we have been serving women and men in Broward County, offering free resources to meet our patients at their exact point of need. But why should YOU care? There are plenty of other wonderful organizations and causes that you could donate to and volunteer for. Why Hope Women’s Centers?

We hope to encourage you for a few moments. Those of you who have given your time or finances to Hope, just last year alone you WON over 2,200 times! You see last year we had 2,644 pregnant women at-risk for choosing abortion and out of them, 2,210 chose to give their unborn children life. This is huge. Don’t gloss over these numbers. They represent thousands of stories that you have supported. 2,210 children were given the gift of life and 2,210 women and men were given the encouragement and hope to make that decision. Many of those women and men also heard and received the Good News of Jesus Christ and made a decision to accept Christ as their Savior receiving everlasting hope and joy! We know what God feels about the issue of life and it is our motivator to help many more.

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you” (James 1:27).

If we believe what the Bible says about life beginning at conception then every unborn life is precious in God’s eyes and He has a plan for every single life which means He will also provide for every life.

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed” (Psalm 139: 13-16).

Broward County is a premiere destination for many all over the world. Often called “the Venice of the Americas” Broward is home to 1.8 million people, 4,120 restaurants, 63 golf courses, 288 parks, 146 night clubs and 20 known abortion clinics (not including hospitals and private doctors that perform abortions). If you have lived in Broward County for any extended period of time you are aware of the many needs we have in our county, so why choose Hope Women’s Centers as a place to serve and give?

Every day, at least 33 unborn babies lose their lives to abortion in Broward County.

why should you care

Most recent annual reports from ACHA tell us there were 12,081 abortions performed in Broward County in one year. Broward County is our mission field and as we approach our 30th anniversary January 2017 we press on to reach even more women and men in their moment of crisis as walk alongside of them to help them connect with needed resources. We press on because we know this ministry is close to God’s heart and the many women and men that come to our centers have divine appointments to hear the message of hope. Our mission is to encourage and equip women and men to make informed decisions regarding unplanned pregnancies.

“They really were able to help me believe in the possibility of a better tomorrow.” When I went to Hope Women’s Centers for the pregnancy test, I was seriously considering terminating the pregnancy. They helped me examine all of my choices. I started to feel like I could carry my baby and that everything would work out, but I still had doubts… Seeing my baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound cleared every one of those doubts right out of my mind! I was amazed to see her tiny body, already being formed inside of me. When I saw that heartbeat, I knew that I was going to be a mother in just a few months. One of the things that really helped me was the spiritual inspiration and guidance that my counselor offered to me. She didn’t pressure me or preach at me, she just shared God’s love and prayed with me. That really meant a lot to me. – Regine

For those of you that have been a partner of Hope from the beginning, we cannot thank you enough for sticking with Hope, even when you are not able to see the thousands of children born and lives changed for eternity.

For all our current partners, while many of our patients choose to remain anonymous, we thank you for trusting us with your time and finances. We could not exist without your financial support.

While our cost per patient in our industry is one of the lowest at just at $400 per patient, we could not have seen the 30,605+ patients in the last five years without the help of our churches, local organizations and our individual supporters. With only 22 staff members to run three (soon-to-be four) medical centers and an administrative office, we could not open our doors to see patients without having volunteers in every center, every day, for every shift.

Thank you for partnering with Hope.

We hope you are encouraged as a partner or potential partner of Hope.

If you have any questions we would love the opportunity to answer them.

Give us a call at our administrative office at 954-372-7089 or email us at



Hope Women's Centers

Hope Women's Centers are  501-c3 faith-based non-profit in the state of Florida. We exist to help women and families experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by providing factual, life-affirming information about all their options in a safe, loving, nonjudgmental environment.

All our services are confidential and are provided at no cost to our patients. We can do this because of the support of individuals, churches, and businesses in our community. Contact us to learn more.

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