Sometimes people ask me what fuels my passion for pro-life ministry. There are lots of reasons that I get excited about the work we do at Hope Women’s Centers — I am highly motivated by success, and when I look at our statistics, I know that we are accomplishing the mission that God has called us to. Every time I meet a client and have an opportunity to hold her child and hear her story, I know we are making a difference in the lives of these women. But if I had to boil it all down to one statement, I would say that I am driven by the Core Values of this organization.
Maybe you have never taken the time to understand what drives the work we do. Today I want to share our “back story” with you, in the form of our written Core Values. I hope they will compel you to move to a new level of understanding of our work – and motivate you to become involved at a new level of support.
The Dignity of Women We believe that women are capable of making their own choices when given accurate information. We acknowledge that our role is to empower women to make informed decisions by providing accurate information about their options; not to judge our clients’ lifestyle, behavior, or decisions.
The Sanctity of Human Life We believe that all human life is of inestimable worth and significant in all its stages. We believe that there is a divine purpose and plan for every person that is conceived.
The Right of Access to Information We believe that every woman has the right to get all of the information she needs to make an informed choice regarding her pregnancy, including medical pregnancy verification and accurate medical information regarding abortion procedures and risks. We believe women deserve to be informed about the emotional trauma that many women experience following abortion.
The Right to A Safe Place We believe that every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy has a right to examine her options in a safe place. She has a right to be informed that no one has the right to pressure her into making a decision she is uncomfortable with. She has a right to get accurate information from someone who does not profit financially from her decision.
The Value of Sexual Purity, Marriage, and Family We believe that sexual purity until marriage is the healthiest choice a woman can make, that marriage is designed to be a permanent, lifelong relationship between a man and a woman, and that the family is the foundation of a healthy society.
The Importance of Faith We believe that God can forgive, cleanse, and transform people so that they can discover and follow His plan for their lives. In all we do, we seek to speak the truth in love and to demonstrate God’s love by our actions on all occasions.
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