Can you imagine doing something that changes the world?
Many years ago I was asked to serve on a committee to help start a pregnancy resource center in Broward County. Even though I was in church almost every Sunday, I hadn’t really though too much about the issue of abortion. I was married, I wanted to have children – so I couldn’t see that I would ever consider having abortion. But twenty years ago I didn’t really have any strong feelings one way or another about your right to choose. When I accepted the challenge to serve on this steering committee, my real education about abortion began! It never occurred me that I was joining a cause that had the potential to change the world.
I studied the abortion statistics. In 1990, I learned that Florida ranked #4 in the nation as one of the highest abortion rates, behind California, New York and Texas. (We passed Texas a few years ago and have moved up to #3 now.) Each year there are more abortions than live births in Miami-Dade County. Broward County, my home county, was number two in Florida counties for abortions. I was shocked to discover that there are at least 23 known abortion clinics in my community. How could I not know what was going on?
Many of you have probably seen the question posed somewhere: “Why hasn’t God sent someone with a cure for Cancer?” Urban legend says that Mother Teresa once answered this question by saying, “Perhaps God did send someone, but we aborted them.” I can’t be certain that she said that, but I do believe that there is no doubt that we have destroyed persons that were created with a great potential to change the world.
The Bible tells us that God has a plan for each and every life. From the moment each child is conceived everything about it is determined – the color of its eyes and hair, its sex, – virtually everything is present that will later appear in the full-term child! All that has to happen is for time to pass and for growth to occur. God had a plan for that child even BEFORE it was created in its mother’s womb.
The Ultrasound Machine has opened the window to the womb, and the myth that the fetus is only a blob of tissue or a clump of cells has been exposed for the lie that it is. Women are able to see for themselves what is happening inside their bodies. At Hope Women’s Centers, we are blessed to be able to offer free ultrasounds to our clients to help them make an informed choice.
The battle for life is a battle that is fought in the spiritual realm. The warriors are those who serve as staff members and volunteers at pregnancy centers all over our nation and around the world. They fight the battle in the privacy of the counseling room, one life at a time. They see God at work in extraordinary ways. I have seen it happen. I have heard the stories for years and I am overwhelmed with the idea that they must be told over and over again until people understand how precious every life is and the great lengths that God goes to in order to save them!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said that all we need for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Abortion is an evil that has been present with us far too long. More than 57 million lives have been lost, just since the legalization of this practice in the United States in 1973. Weep for all that we have lost, but praise God that He is a forgiving and gracious Father who forgives us of ALL our sins when we ask. Even abortion.
Can you imagine doing something that changes the world? View this remarkable video.
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About the Author: Nancy McDonald served as a board member of Hope Women’s Centers for 10 years until she joined the staff in 2000. Today she serves as the organization’s President/CEO and is more passionate than ever about helping women choose life!