Over the years we have come to hear many stories as to how God moved in the hearts of individuals to begin supporting local women and men facing unplanned pregnancies through Hope Women’s Centers.
For many the Walk for Life was the first time people partnered with us, choosing to jump in and begin fundraising for Hope as Sponsored Walkers. Many times the individuals that respond to God’s call to proactively help local women and men became the catalyst for others to get involved and we are now seeing at Hope generations of supporters and networks of people that otherwise wold not have known about all the work we do and those we serve Hope Women’s Centers.
This is one of those stories that we want to share with you and we hope it motivates you to think of who you may be able to ask to sponsor you to Walk/Run on October 14th.
My name is Essie and this is why I walk for Life. I’ve been blessed to serve the Lord at Hope Women’s Centers initially as a volunteer from 2004-2011 and now currently as a staff member. Walking for Life is an important part of my calling from the LORD. Through my work, I speak to many women and men who are afraid and uncertain when facing unplanned pregnancies. Many express surprise when hearing the truth about life physically, spiritually and emotionally. Clients are given valuable information such as Fetal Development and the importance of STI testing and ultrasound. Without funding, this life affirming work would not be possible. Participation in the Walk for Life & FUN Color Run produces the fruit of changed hearts and minds. As I am walking, I think of my clients; past, present and future. I see the smiles on the faces of the mothers, fathers and the babies. Please join me in supporting life in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ who came that we may have life to the fullest!!
Essie serves on staff as the Client Services Director for one of our medical centers.
More information for the 2017 Walk for Life & Color FUN Run can be found HERE.