Who is vulnerable to choosing abortion in the face of an unplanned pregnancy?
The reality is that any woman of child-bearing age can be at risk for choosing abortion. Life situations can create a climate where a woman sees a pregnancy as a threat to her well-being, and a legal abortion may seem like the easiest choice in the moment.
Even though this is true, there are demographics that we study to predict vulnerability. A woman who is vulnerable to abortion is characterized by some of the following factors:
She is between 19-24 years old; although every year we do see clients as young as 11 as well as women who are in their 50s.
She is typically single; 85% of women who abort are single.
She may have a medical condition she thinks will affect the pregnancy.
She may have received an adverse diagnosis about the viability of the child she is carrying.
She lacks support from significant influences in her life such as a boyfriend, parents, husband or friends.
She may be experiencing pressure from one or more of these significant influences to have an abortion.
She has not eliminated the possibility of abortion from the options she is considering.
Hope Women’s Centers focus on reaching these women who are at-risk for choosing abortion.
We offer hope to our client by…
believing in her ability to make a good choice
believing she can be a good mother
referring her to resources that can help her learn how to parent
believing she can provide the basic needs for her child
referring her to resources where she can get help with basic needs
respecting her, accepting her and not condemning or judging her
recognizing that she has a legal right to choose
acknowledging that she is the one who is accountable to God for the choice she makes
praying for her and asking God to help her choose life
We share truth with our client by…
offering a free, medical quality pregnancy test
offering a free, limited obstetric ultrasound to confirm gestational age and a viable intrauterine pregnancy
offering options counseling about abortion procedures and risks
offering options counseling about adoption
offering options counseling about parenting and marriage
offering limited STD testing for pregnant clients who are considering abortion
offering the truth of the Gospel and giving them an opportunity to know Christ
Find out more about Hope Women’s Centers and join us in offering hope, sharing truth, and protecting life.