Identifying Our Mission Field Broward County is home to 23 known abortion clinics. We are one of the highest abortion-impact communities in the nation. Identifying our mission field is not difficult. Last year alone more than 12,000 abortions were reported in our county. Based on the economics of running an abortion clinic, many experts feel these numbers may be highly under-reported, possibly reflecting only those abortions that are paid for by check or credit card, which leaves a paper trail, unlike cash transactions which are harder to trace. The list of 23 known abortion clinics that we have identified does not include hospitals and doctor’s offices where abortions are also performed.
Fighting the Battle People who believe that life is sacred must fight abortion on many battlefronts to reclaim a culture of life in America. There is a place for public engagements that are waged on the sidewalks in front of abortion clinics. Some are called to simply stand in prayer and give testimony to the fact that abortion ends a life. Some are called to engage the women who are entering the clinics and counsel them right there on the sidewalk about other options. Some are called to public engagements in pulpits, and in debates in town halls and capitol buildings all across America.
But some are called to very private battlefronts. These courageous women and men work in pregnancy medical clinics all across our nation, meeting privately with women and men who are considering abortion as the solution to their unplanned pregnancy. Every activity has value when it is ordained by God and is being carried out by people that He has called to work according to His purpose.
Hitting Our Target In the midst of this great need for protecting human life, Hope Women’s Centers has found a niche that we believe is God’s specific, unique call on our ministry. We operate five pro-life pregnancy medical clinics serving the needs of women and men who are facing pregnancy decisions. We know they can become overwhelmed by fear and confusion when they face making a decision about their pregnancy. They need a safe place where they can consider practical solutions, and receive compassionate care with non-judgmental support during this difficult time. They need hope and truth. We are providing that every day in Broward County.
At Hope Women’s Centers, we stand for life in the privacy of our clinics, speaking the truth in love to one woman at a time and trusting God to change the heart. We share the overarching message that “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.” We provide very practical services including a free pregnancy test confirming the truth of the pregnancy, options counseling via medically documented information, and an ultrasound exam to confirm gestational age and viability of pregnancy.
Making A Difference These truths make a difference for life! 86% of the women who come to Hope considering abortion will make a decision to carry their pregnancy to term after receiving our services. The life situation that was originally causing them to consider abortion doesn’t change, but their outlook changes when they receive hope and truth. This stands in stark contrast to the numbers reported concerning women whose first stop for help is an abortion clinic; 94% of those women go on to have an abortion. With 23 abortion clinics in Broward County, it’s imperative that they find Hope first!
Our Focus We focus on meeting the needs of each woman. We can’t focus on saving a baby because God doesn’t send us a baby He sends us the woman who is carrying the baby, so we use all of the tools that God has put at our disposal to see her through God’s eyes and love her in a way that allows her to receive the truth about the life that is growing within her and the truth about the One who can change her life for all eternity.
Read more about our Core Values, see who our Supporting Churches are, and read about the Community Resources that are available in Broward to help pregnant women.
Find out more about Hope Women’s Centers and how you can join us in offering hope, sharing truth, and protecting life.