This is a follow-up to last week’s blog article by David Wraight, and I hope it helps those of you who are baby-boomers like me that feel responsible for training up a generation of twenty-somethings for future leadership. It may be in your home, with your own children, or it may be in the workplace. Because I love Hope Women’s Centers and want to ensure strong leadership for the future, I find myself doing lots of research to better understand what motivates and inspires today’s young adult to selflessly serve in non-profit ministry.
I’ve learned a lot about them, but in the process, I’ve learned a lot about me, too! I have learned that I can be very dogmatic and opinionated. I have learned that I have a hard time trusting others with important tasks. I have also learned that holding on to something means I will never be able to move on to the next level of leadership that God may be calling me to. The most important thing I am learning is that a different way of doing things is not an inferior way of doing things. I am really learning that the key phrase in leadership succession is “let it go”! God will provide capable hands…He has done it throughout the ages.
The Barna Group has been studying the characteristics of the millennial generation since the mid-90’s when they entered the workforce. The study that I am referencing today lists 5 major ways to connect with millennials. The research was done with a focus on how to help millennials stay connected to the church, but I think these principles can be applied in any workplace setting where young adults are present.
1. Make room for meaningful relationships.
2. Teach cultural discernment.
3. Create reverse mentoring opportunities.
4. Teach connection between vocation and discipleship.
5. Facilitate connection with Jesus.
You can read the article to get a further insight on what the research shows to be true about these young people. It is very encouraging – and very enlightening to understand what motivates this global generation.
Based on what I am learning and based on what I am seeing firsthand in the lives of the millennials who work at Hope Women’s Centers, I have great hope for the future!
Are you intentionally mentoring someone today? Your investment in the next generation can change your life – and theirs!