This is the third article in a series about the amazing work of God’s spirit in some of the churches in Broward County that are supporting the work of Hope Women’s Centers by getting involved on a grassroots level.

Unborn children and their moms have needs that go far beyond the scope of our pregnancy medical clinics. God designed a plan for a man and wife to marry and have children. The mother’s role is to nurture and the father’s role is to provide and protect, but our modern-day society has deviated from God’s plan in unprecedented numbers. The liberal left says abortion is the answer to the problem.

In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, pro-life Christians opened pregnancy help centers all over the nation. They functioned like little Coast Guard life boats, rescuing those unborn children whose moms were vulnerable to choosing abortion. They provided short-term support and directed the women to other resources in the community for help after the birth of their babies. As the years went by, we discovered that the needs did not end when the child was born…in fact, many of them were just beginning!

Pregnancy help centers (and later pregnancy medical clinics) were very effective in helping women choose life, but abortion numbers continued to rise as the abortion clinics “sold” their services based on all of the unmet needs that mom and child might face between birth and age 18 — especially those single moms. They are still doing it today.

We believe God has a different answer to the problems in our world and it is spelled T-H-E C-H-U-R-C-H. Every day we tell our clients that God has a wonderful plan for their life – and for the life of the baby. But when the baby is 2 years old and no one is invested in her life to teach her about loving discipline of her child, the plan doesn’t feel so wonderful. When she is looking for a job and there is no stable adult influence in her life to tell her how to write a resume or how to dress for an interview or where to find childcare, she can feel pretty lost and along. God has uniquely designed the CHURCH to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of human beings. He DOES have a plan…we just need to do a better job of connecting people with it!

We’ve all heard that “love is an action word” and today Churches are filled with people in every age bracket and every walk of life who have the compassion of Christ because His spirit dwells in their hearts. Hope Women’s Centers can equip church members to serve as life advocates wherever they go. They don’t need to be a ‘volunteer” in a pregnancy center to encourage a young person to choose life. The CHURCH is a sleeping giant and it is waking up to the needs of our world!
We are grateful for some local churches who have taken action in recent days to love women and unborn children through giving to Hope Women’s Centers in unique ways.
September 26 was our annual Walk For Life, and over 42 Broward Churches were represented by one or more members who raised funds to benefit Hope Women’s Centers. On October 17, Community Christian’s Women’s Ministry hosted a Fun Run and donated the proceeds to Hope to help women who are considering abortion.
Next time we’ll talk about why the church is the only organization on planet Earth that is guaranteed to overcome abortion, and we’ll look at the most famous wedding of all time.