May – Campaign for CHANGE! An easy, but often overlooked way to give to your local pregnancy medical clinic is by collecting change. This month is Mother’s Day…what better time to get a designated container (baby bottle or box) from your local pregnancy medical clinic and fill it with coins, paper bills, and/or checks to help a young mother choose life for her baby. Did you know that one standard baby bottle filled with silver is approximately $40? This is a great way for small groups to make a BIG difference for life!
At Hope Women’s Centers, we have been doing the Life Changers Campaign for years. Thousands and thousands of dollars have been donated through this unique campaign. May is a great month to launch a Campaign for CHANGE! Call today and get everything you need to get started.
Your filled container will provide pregnancy tests, ultrasound exams, and STI testing for women who are considering abortion. Your small change can make a big difference in helping us offer hope, share truth, and protect life!