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Hope Women's Center

History of the Story of Life

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

At Hope, we believe that all human life is of inestimable worth and significant in all its stages, including pre-born babies, the elderly, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death. We believe that there is a divine purpose and plan for every person that is conceived. We are dedicated as an organization to defend, protect, and value all human life, according to Psalm 139.

Historical Timeline

The history of the story of life is an exciting story of God creating life and enacting a plan to rescue people and save them for Himself. When people reject God, there is death, war, and brokenness. When people follow God, there is LIFE, peace, and joy.

In today’s world, one of the areas where this theme is most obvious is abortion. Since the United States Supreme Court ruled to make abortion legal in 1973, over 60 million abortions have been reported in the United States, and many millions more have been affected by the results of those abortion decisions.

This tragedy didn’t start in America, or even during our lifetime. If we go back to 80 A.D. there are writings about the Roman law that allowed fathers to choose if their newborns would live or die. When a father decided to reject his child, the infants were taken to a wall outside the city and left to die. It was illegal for anyone to rescue these babies. But a group of first-century Christians, living in the catacombs, hiding for their own lives, braved the odds and rescued these babies, raising them as their own. Abortion didn’t start in modern times. By the end of the first century, the apostles were teaching: “Do not murder a child by abortion or kill a newborn infant.” (Didache, 1.1:2.2)

Through the ages, the saints not only declared abortion to be wrong, but worked tirelessly to save mothers and babies. In 350 A.D. Basil, a pastor in Caesarea, discovered a guild of abortionists operating in his city. Outraged, he preached, he helped women in crisis pregnancies, and he educated the public. In 374 A.D., he helped pass one of the first laws against abortion.

In 700 A.D., Dempna, a Celtic princess, discovered that handicapped babies and unwanted babies were being killed just outside her village. She opened her home to over 60 of these children, and her kindness changed her culture to value all human life.

Vincent DePaul, a 15th century minister in Paris, discovered midwives performing illegal abortions. He went undercover to expose them, set up programs to help pregnant women, and then lobbied the government for new laws. He said, “Protecting the least of these is the greatest and most satisfying thing God calls us to do.”

Anna Bowden was an English missionary to India in the 1800s. She was appalled by the practices of abortion and infanticide. She developed networks and shelters. When warned to stop, she replied, “We must rescue the perishing. I can do no less and still be faithful to the high calling of the Sovereign Lord.”

To this very day, there have been thousands more who have stood boldly together to fight for life, even when it cost them dearly. God used them to shape their time and place in history for His Kingdom. We stand on their shoulders as we face the battle today in our own time and place.

How did these people know abortion was wrong? They believed God’s Word. They listened to His Spirit. Then God said, “Let us make human beings[b] in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”  So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27)

We have just celebrated Christmas. The story of Mary’s pregnancy, Joseph’s obedience, and the birth of Jesus is the quintessential sanctity of life message. From the moment the angel appeared to Mary and said, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS.”  (Luke 1:31) until the Child was named eight days after the circumcision (Luke 2:21), it is abundantly clear that this was a child – a child known by God before His creation, a child placed in Mary’s womb by God the Father, and a child that was created in the image of God to save His people from their sins!

In 1984, in an effort to bring attention to what had already been happening for 11 years after the 1973 “supremely bad” court decision, President Ronald Reagan issued a Presidential Proclamation, designating the Sunday closest to January 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. This was done in honor of his personally held belief that our Constitution provides the “right to life” to the unborn as well as the born. For the remainder of his life, President Reagan hoped that one day Roe v. Wade would be found to be unconstitutional and eventually overturned.

Modern Day

During the first year of our current administration,*

“Mexico City Policy,” which prevents tax funds from being given to organizations that perform or promote abortion overseas. The policy was later expanded to include a broad range of health-related U.S. foreign aid and renamed Promoting Life in Global Health Assistance. Funding for the United Nations Population Fund was cut due to that agency’s involvement in China’s compulsory-abortion program. Action has been taken to protect the moral and religious rights of conscience so that medical professionals, religious institutions and employers may not be forced to participate in abortion.

Get Involved

What will you do to take part in this larger story of life? These stories from history prove that ONE person CAN make a difference. Here are some actions all of us can do to cultivate a culture of life:

  1. Talk about it – don’t fall for the lie that abortion is a political issue; it is a Christian issue.

  2. Speak the truth in love – balance the truth that abortion is a sin with the truth that the gospel of Jesus Christ provides forgiveness for ALL sin.

  3. Create a safe place – make sure there is a safe place in your church for women and men to talk about their past abortions.

  4. Get involved with your local pregnancy medical clinic –

  5. Broward County, contact Hope Women’s Centers at 954-372-708 or

  6. Palm Beach County, contact First Care Women’s Clinics at 561-688-2163 or visit

  7. Miami Dade, contact Heartbeat of Miami Pregnancy Help Medical Clinics at 305- 863-2155 or

  8. Be pro [abundant] life – realize that helping women choose life is only one aspect of the mission; we want to help families choose marriage and an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ too! Respect life at all of its stages, from the womb to the tomb!

*Adapted from Florida Right to Life.

**Sections of this blog adapted from previous blog post.

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