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His Freedom to Choose?

Hope Women's Center

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

There’s a lot of talk these days about “choice”.  The piece of information that most unmarried men are surprised by is that they don’t have a choice at all regarding decisions about their unborn children.

Some time ago as I helped prepare for a women’s event at my church, I was approached by a young man who asked if I knew where there might be a clergyman that he could talk to.  He was obviously very upset.  After informing him that there were no men on the premises that day, I asked if I might be of assistance.  He broke down and cried as he told me that he feared his girlfriend was on her way to an abortion clinic at that very moment to terminate the life of his child.  He was devastated.  He wanted me to tell him that we could call the police or some government agency and stop this young woman from robbing him of his role as a father.  He sobbed brokenly as he told me

I love her, I want to marry her and be a family.

Sadly, I had to tell him that there was nothing he could do to stop her.  When a man entrusts his seed to a woman who is not his wife, he puts his very lineage at risk.  I asked permission to pray with him, and I prayed that God would intervene and somehow spare the life of that child.  I gave him the phone number for our centers and told him to bring her to see us, if it wasn’t too late.

I don’t know what ever happened to that young man or to his baby, but God used that experience that day to teach me that unplanned pregnancies can affect the men involved just as profoundly as they affect the women.  The vision to have a ministry to men was born in my heart that day, and now I am being blessed by watching how God is putting the Men of Hope ministry together right before my very eyes!

Our post-abortion ministry to men has focused on the needs of men who have experienced the pain of abortion.  Our vision is to have men available to talk with the partners of our female clients when they come in for pregnancy testing and other services.  We want to hold God’s standard high and encourage “the hearts of the fathers to turn toward their children.”  [Malachi 4:6]  We want to share the truth in love with the men, as well as with the women, and equip them to make life-affirming choices for themselves and for their children.  It is a HUGE task, but we are certain that God will call out the men of His choosing to work alongside us in this VERY worthy program!

Poor lifestyle choices can lead to painful consequences. Men of Hope is focused on offering men a chance to address sexual lifestyle decisions and pregnancy challenges by offering friendship and support in the midst of crisis.

Your donations, your prayers and all the hours you volunteer – they really matter! Thank you for partnering with us!!

About the Author: Nancy McDonald served as a board member of Hope Women’s Centers for 10 years until she joined the staff in 2000. Today she serves as the organization’s President/CEO and is more passionate than ever about helping women and men choose life!


Hope Women's Centers

Hope Women's Centers are  501-c3 faith-based non-profit in the state of Florida. We exist to help women and families experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by providing factual, life-affirming information about all their options in a safe, loving, nonjudgmental environment.

All our services are confidential and are provided at no cost to our patients. We can do this because of the support of individuals, churches, and businesses in our community. Contact us to learn more.

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