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Grandpa Volunteers

Hope Women's Center

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

I had no idea that I would ever volunteer at a pregnancy medical clinic. I am a grandfather who has a home-based business.  I wasn’t looking for a job in a pregnancy center – or anywhere else for that matter! Being very missions-minded, my wife and I got involved in a new church start-up in an urban neighborhood and I figured that was enough work for me.

Our pastor started talking about the needs of women in our neighborhood for the services of a pregnancy center.  There was a section near our church where prostitutes solicited for business.  A local women’s ministry had approached us, asking if we would partner with them to offer help to our community.  This partnership idea was new and we would be a test case.  Our church decided to donate space for this group to come in and offer services to the women in our community a couple of days a week. I thought it was a good idea, but still didn’t see how it  would affect me in any way.

Then pregnancy center director came to speak to the church and challenged us to see this work as a missions opportunity.  She said God might even call people from our church to volunteer.  I still didn’t feel like there was any connection to me.  What could a grandfather do to help women in unplanned pregnancies?  As she finished the presentation, she added one more thought, “…and if there is a man here who has a flexible schedule during the hours that we are here, it would be wonderful to have security. It would really help the ladies feel safe if we could just have a man present.”

I decided to go to the orientation that was being offered and check this ministry out – to find out what it was all about.  I learned a lot that day and at the end of the day, I couldn’t think of any reason that wouldn’t allow me to give them some time each week.  “Why not?” was what I asked myself.

I showed up that first morning and helped put up signs, move furniture and organize things.  After all the preparation was done, we prayed for God to send the clients in.  No one showed up that first day, so there was plenty of time to talk to the staff members and other volunteers.  I gained a deeper understanding of the mission of the ministry and was completely convinced that I should be there to help whenever possible.

One of the things that grandfathers love to do is watch their grandchildren “perform”.  I’m sure my five year old grandson is a future major league soccer player, so when my daughter called one Friday afternoon and asked if I could give her a ride to the soccer game the next morning, I was glad to say yes.  Watching my little guy and his team mates play soccer is like watching a swarm of bees looking for a new hive.  It is hilarious and I can’t think of anything I would rather do.

As we drove to the soccer field that morning, we made the typical small talk – “How was your week?” – “Fine, how was yours?” As we waited for the game to start, Rayna asked absentmindedly, “So, Dad, what’s new with you?” I was so excited about my new role as a volunteer at the pregnancy center that I began to tell her about it.  She didn’t really respond, but amidst all of the chaos of the soccer field, I didn’t think much about it.

Later, during a break in the game, she turned to me and laid her hand on my arm.  “Dad,” she began with a big breath, “I just want to tell you something.  Hope Women’s Centers is the reason your grandson is here!”  I was speechless, trying to figure out what in the world she meant.  She went on to fill in the details…the pregnancy came at a bad time in her life; she was having problems in her marriage and she didn’t want us to know.  My wife and I were living in another state at the time.  We talked to her frequently by phone and believed that she was doing well.  But she did not seek advice from us when she decided to have an abortion.  Rayna called a friend and asked if she would drive her home from the clinic after the abortion.  The friend agreed – under one condition – Rayna had to go to Hope and speak with a counselor before she had the abortion.  Rayna agreed to appease her friend and they went to Hope.

Rayna told me that they talked to her about the methods that were used to do abortions.  “Dad, I had no idea that the baby was so perfectly formed at such an early stage,” she told me.  She said the counselor talked to her about God and asked permission to share some verses from the Bible with her.  Rayna prayed to receive Christ that day, and she decided to carry her baby.  Thanks to God’s unfailing love and the obedient servants at Hope, I have a five year old grandson today that sits on my lap and calls me “Grandpa.” I had no idea that his life was ever in jeopardy.

It’s hard for me to hold back tears when I see how God has woven all of the pieces in this story together..  Why would a grandfather get involved and help out at a pregnancy center?  I thought it was a good thing to do…I had no idea how God had already used this ministry to bless me.

Interested in volunteering? Take the first step and register for the next Volunteer Orientation HERE.



Hope Women's Centers

Hope Women's Centers are  501-c3 faith-based non-profit in the state of Florida. We exist to help women and families experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by providing factual, life-affirming information about all their options in a safe, loving, nonjudgmental environment.

All our services are confidential and are provided at no cost to our patients. We can do this because of the support of individuals, churches, and businesses in our community. Contact us to learn more.

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