But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. – Luke 18:16
During December I look forward to opening the mail at home. It seems like the one time of year when there is more “happy” mail than bills! The same thing is true at Hope Women’s Centers. Last week I was opening the mail and came across a check from a foundation for $15,000.00 – so needless to say, I was having a great day! The next envelope I opened brought me to tears.
I noticed that the return address was printed in a child’s writing. It looked like my 7-year old granddaughter might have written it. I recognized the last name as one of our long-time donor families. When I pulled the paper out, I found a piece of notebook paper with these words painstakingly printed:

Folded inside the envelope was a $20.00 bill – surely a large treasure to the precious child who had decided to give this large sum to a ministry that helps women and babies! I thought of all the times that God had put things on my heart to do – times I had procrastinated, delayed, and simply disobeyed. I was touched by Eden’s generosity and by her obedience – and inspired to do better in the future.
I was reminded of the familiar Christina Rossetti Christmas poem, “What Can I Give Him?”; Eden has not only given Him her heart, she has given Him her treasure as well!
The kind of sacrifice that Eden displays truly is the heart of Hope. I salute Eden’s family for instilling a spirit of generosity and obedience in this little girl. Maybe someday God will put it in her heart to be a volunteer at Hope Women’s Centers! If He does, I feel confident that she will obey. Thank you, Eden, and all of the people like Eden who follow that still small voice and do what God asks them to do.