I think a lot of times we think the harvest will just come. Sure, there are seasons in our life where we receive unexpected blessings. However, every harvest has to have a planting season and sometimes we plant, but due to circumstances outside of our control, we lose the harvest.
When the farmer gets ready to harvest, sometimes a storm rolls in, sometimes equipment breaks, sometimes workers aren’t available, and the harvest is not what we expected.
As I was thinking about this topic I thought of Psalm 125:5-6: “Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy. He who goes out weeping, bearing a trail of seed, will surely return with shouts of joy, carrying sheaves of grain.”
There are a lot of tears that have been shed here at Hope: tears in the counseling room, tears after we hang up the phone as we learn of another woman who terminated her pregnancy, tears in our post-abortion Bible study. Over the years, the women and men of Hope have shed a lot of tears…tears of heartbreak and tears of joy. Through every teardrop, we keep on planting, knowing the harvest will be worth every tear we shed.
I believe, our complete harvest will be seen in heaven as we meet the children who were saved from being aborted because our counselors, ultrasound technicians, and volunteers fought for their lives. The women and men who chose abortion will meet their children and we will see those sweet reunions! Together, we will see that God’s promises are true…every last one of them! I think the complete harvest will be seen as we see one woman and then another and then another who through tears received Christ in our centers because our advocates planted the seeds.
Counting the cost of planting these seeds has not been easy. There have been families of our staff under attack, there have been wounds in our own lives, but someday we will discover a beautiful harvest because God allowed us to partner with Him in this heavenly enterprise. Surely when we Discover the Harvest, we will shout with joy!
Will you ask yourself this question, as I ask myself, “ What am I planting today that will produce a harvest I can see in eternity?”
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9