I had just gotten home from work and was feeling worn out, weary, tired of fighting. The emotional accompaniment of loss was like a heavy bag I constantly carry. Suddenly, I spotted a package on my bed. Immediately, I dropped my stuff and opened it. Inside the package was a book, a letter from my dear friend and a ring. The gift was so thought-out, intentional, and just enough of a boost to help me keep fighting. And the ring? Its my daily reminder to hope.
We see a lot of girls come in worn out from emotional distress in their homes, or weary of being pregnant again; or, tired of fighting for a relationship that may not have been the best choice from the beginning. But most of the time, by the time they leave, they too have left with a reminder… a reminder that kindness still exists in the world.
If I can say one thing about the staff at Hope Women’s Centers, it would be that they are kind. And that kindness is from the Holy Spirit. These women and men don’t need bashing, criticism or judgement when they come into our centers. What good has that ever done for anyone? I have seen people crumble under bashing, lose themselves under criticism and crushed under judgment. In Romans 2:4, it says this:
“Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, restraint, and patience, not recognizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?”
Since God’s kindness lead us back to repentance, what makes us think it won’t lead others? Listen to what Alicia, a patient of ours, said:
I was able to be true about my thoughts without judgment. I don’t know where they found those people, but they were truly heaven sent. The staff made the difference.
When others may have given Alicia judgment, she found kindness at Hope. The kindness Alicia received gave her the strength to give birth to a beautiful baby boy.
“Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” Proverbs 3:3
So, just as the ring from my friend reminds me of her kindness, and the hope that came when I received it; it also reminds me of the power of kindness. It is our desire that every woman and man who walks through our centers finds not only the facts about their unplanned pregnancy but also kindness. We pray that it is that kindness that stirs up hope in their hearts, minds and lives.
Looking for ways to show kindness to our patients who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies?
There are so many ways for both men and women to get involved with Hope. Here’s a few:
Donate your time and join the volunteer team.
Volunteer at our annual fall Run/Walk For Life & Color FUN Run! Email our Events Team for info.
Throw a baby shower for our patients. Email our Events Team for info.
Donate gift cards to our patients. This provides them additional tangible support and helps them see others care for them!
Commit to praying for all those serving at Hope and for the patients we see. We are in a battle everyday as we share God’s love.
Have an idea of how you would like to bless Hope? Contact us!