Why I Volunteer with Hope
I’ve been involved with Hope Women’s Centers ministry from its beginning, when the church I attended in the mid-1980s sponsored a baby shower for Hope, along with our pastor and his family providing a place in their home for a pregnant teen to live. Since then, I’ve participated in many of Hope’s activities, fundraisers, and events over the years, but because I had a young family of my own to care for, I couldn’t get involved on a week-to-week basis.
Now that my children are grown, I’ve been volunteering as a patient advocate for over five years and have been blessed by being part of a group of staff and volunteers who are demonstrating God’s love in action to women and men who are afraid, hurt, and confused by unplanned pregnancies and harmful lifestyles.
So many of the women and men that come to Hope are looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. They need to know that God has a plan and purpose for each of them and that the love and acceptance they are seeking can be found through only Him.
God has used Hope’s patients to touch my life in so many ways during the time I’ve been serving. I recently saw God’s hand at work during the time I was with a young lady who said she was pregnant. She was very angry, hurt, and broken in all areas of her life. She cried as she told me about the bad relationships she’d been in, how she felt so alone, and her lack of trust of anyone in her life (including her family).
Now that she was pregnant, she strongly felt that abortion was her only choice.
We discussed her options at great length, along with how she could trust God to provide for her and that He would never leave her alone. She had many questions and when she left, she promised to think over what we had talked about before making her pregnancy decision.
I began to pray for her everyday and when I called to check on her recently, she told me that she had decided to carry her baby and that Hope had been just what she needed!
Praise God that we can serve Him in this way!
Daneen volunteers consistenly in one of our medical centers. She was quick to want to share her story to encourage other people to volunteer at Hope. We are thankful for Daneen and her heart to serve those that God brings to our centers. At Hope, we use volunteers in great capacity and our success in Broward County the last 30+ years has been largely due to the dedicated and talented volunteers we have.
Join Our Volunteer Team
Reach men and women that come to our centers. Take the first step and come to our Volunteer Orientation. More information and registration HERE.